MV Blue One – Delivery

We are happy to announce that on the 02nd of June at 08:06 lt Tampa, FL., the delivery of MV Blue One (ex. Cielo di Dublino) was successfully concluded and the vessel has now entered into MSM D.o.o. management. On the 07th June she will enter into a one-year time charter with Messrs. Oldendorff. Thank [...]

2021-06-16T09:47:17+00:00June 4th, 2021|


AAL Shipping (AAL) is taking delivery of two additional ‘G-Class’ multipurpose heavy lift vessels, expanding its core fleet to 720,200 total deadweight (DWT). The Pacific Action and AAL Gladstone have both served in the AAL fleet in the past and re-join later this month – the former renamed this week, ‘AAL Gibraltar’. These versatile and [...]

2021-03-10T08:27:25+00:00March 10th, 2021|

Mastermind Shipmanagement navigates with SAP Solutions!

How Mastermind has achieved Clarity & Scalability across multi-country operations with SAP The Mastermind Group (MSM) was founded principally as a ship-owning company that later expanded into ship-management. MSM technically manages a fleet of more than 20+ vessels, which consist of dry bulk, break-bulk and multipurpose vessels. MSM prides itself in being very innovative and [...]

2020-08-27T12:23:47+00:00August 27th, 2020|

CYPRUS SHIPPING CHAMBER – Governments’ delays on crew changes bring distress to Shipowners and Seafarers

The Cyprus Shipping Chamber expresses its deep disappointment that, despite repeated appeals and proposals from the International Shipping Industry, there is a delay from Governments around the world in finding practical solutions to the very serious issue of crew changes and repatriation of seafarers with expired contracts, in many cases beyond three months, bringing seafarers [...]

2020-06-17T05:20:39+00:00June 17th, 2020|

“Limassol Blue Forum” attracts attention

Limassol Municipality together with Frederick University organised the very first "Limassol Blue Forum" on Friday the 29th May, 2020. The Mayor of Limassol, Mr Nicos Nicolaides, is the initiator of this new annual event and provides an excellent platform for the citizens of Limassol who wish to engage in and discuss their environmental concerns and [...]

2020-06-12T09:17:17+00:00June 12th, 2020|

CORONAVIRUS – Mental Resilience on Board

The world’s reliance on shipping and its seafarers has been brought into sharp focus by the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.  Seafarers are resilient people, able to draw on their already well-developed mental strength. Nevertheless Covid-19 presents a new danger and has created significant difficulties in relation to tours of duty and crew changes. These films examines [...]

2020-05-22T08:03:52+00:00May 22nd, 2020|

MSM Donation to Limassol General Hospital Intensive Care Unit

The world is facing an unprecedented challenge with the global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The outpouring of global solidarity however, gives us hope that out of this tragedy comes an opportunity to build a better world. Mastermind Shipmanagement has donated 45 pieces of high-spec medical uniforms and shoes to the Limassol General Hospital Intensive [...]

2020-04-16T08:53:22+00:00April 16th, 2020|

The Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry (SDM) has announced that Cyprus is no longer part of the Targeted Flag List of the USCG in relation to the safety performance of flag administrations

The three-year average detention ratio of Cyprus for the period 2017-2019 was 0.96% compared to an average USCG ratio of 1.08%. This enhanced track record is the result of a comprehensive National Shipping Strategy which the Shipping Deputy Ministry has been implementing in order to cement its position as one of the world’s top flag [...]

2020-04-14T10:50:30+00:00April 14th, 2020|
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