MSM is committed to conserve and protect the environment
and more specifically on personal, occupational and environmental health.

MSM puts the highest priority in conserving and protecting the environment and undertakes all possible actions for preventing pollution.

MSM ensures compliance with environmental legislation and regulations at sea, as well as ashore; zero spillage policy, pollution prevention policy and reduction of identified environmental impacts.

We further encourage the anti-pollution consciousness and a positive attitude towards pollution prevention for all employees.

Company environmental policy includes:

  • Energy Conservation with a comprehensive Shipboard Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)
  • Pollution Prevention with a comprehend Environmental Compliance Program (ECP)
  • Waste Reduction (SEEMP)
  • Minimise sources usage (SEEMP)
  • Anonymous Incident Reporting to :

In all our activities and operations we will:

  • Comply fully with all legal and other requirements to which the organisation subscribes which relate to environmental aspects
  • Review our Environmental Aspects and objectives regularly
  • Communicate the MSM’s environmental aspects and subsequent environmental management program and targets to all employees
  • Communicate our Environmental Policy to subcontractors and partners