To satisfy the 2020 IMT TTX and the SMFF TTX requirements, shipping companies that have vessels calling the US must participate in an annual exercise held by their Qualified Individual based in the US.
This year the exercise (IMT TTX) was carried out in Marina del Rey, California on March 11 – 12, 2020 and covered a “worst case discharge” scenario in California and tested the interaction, communication, and problem solving between the Incident Commander, Federal and State On-Scene Coordinators, and IMT members, including the USCG, California Agencies, Oil Spill Removal Organizations (OSRO), Salvage and Marine Firefighting (SMFF) providers, the vessel operator’s representative, and other stakeholders in the critical stages of a vessel casualty.
By completing this course online, MSM had the opportunity to experience what is involved in being a member of the Incident Management Team (IMT) during an incident in US waters.